
The Age of Scarcity?

Today is a big moment in history. We are on the verge of selecting a new president, who will have to lead us during a difficult and unsettling time in our country. This past weekend, I attended the American Association of Medical Colleges conference in San Antonio, and the election was on everyone’s mind. Ted Koppel, our keynote, spoke about…

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Disaster Preparation

Preparing for Disaster

“How did you do?” For the first days after Hurricane Ike, that’s the first question that came to your lips when running into someone you knew. Or even people you didn’t know. Of course, in Texas, that question sounds more like “How’d ya’ do?” However you say it, it was an opening for you to say whether or not you…

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Goal Setting

Creating a Master To-Do List

Welcome to my blog! This blog will focus on organizing, time management, productivity, life management and pretty much anything else I come up with. I want you to live your best life and make more room in your house, your office, and your head. I have a ton of fabulous resources at my fingertips, and I’ll use them to bring…

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