Disaster Preparation, Organizing Tips

Be Organized to Stay Safe, Ready to Evacuate

In recent weeks, we’ve watched dangerous grass fires break out near Houston and Austin. Several of our employees at MD Anderson who work at the Bastrop and Smithville campuses were among those who lost their homes in the devastating fires. The fires broke out on the heels of the anniversaries of Hurricanes Ike and Carla, both of which caused tremendous damage in our area. Ironically, September is National Preparedness Month. Are you prepared for a disaster? No one thinks it will happen to them. But it can. Be safe. Be prepared. Be ready. Here are some tips to keep you and your family safe…

Disaster Preparation

Emergency Preparedness

We all have been watching the heart-wrenching news about Japan’s tragic tsunami, earthquake and nuclear meltdown.

The news also reports how “prepared” Japan was for disaster since they have yearly earthquake and tsunami drills and make emergency kits. It’s a little flippant to say the country was the most “prepared.” How prepared can you be for what our Japanese friends are experiencing?

Living in a hurricane zone, we here along the Gulf Coast have some idea of disaster preparedness, but until it happens, you realize how little you can ready yourself. Hurricane Ike was a big learning lesson for us in Houston and Galveston. Houstonians were dealing with wind damage and power outages, and just an hour away, our Galveston friends were dealing with flood waters, fires and wind damage. So what can you do to prepare for an emergency?

Disaster Preparation

Preparing for Disaster

“How did you do?” For the first days after Hurricane Ike, that’s the first question that came to your lips when running into someone you knew. Or even people you didn’t know. Of course, in Texas, that question sounds more like “How’d ya’ do?” However you say it, it was an opening for you to say whether or not you…

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