Goal Setting

Start With the End in Mind

One of my doctors at work waved the small card listing Stephen Covey’s Seven Effective Habits in front of me. “See this?” he asked. “Let me tell you why I don’t like it.” “Okay,” I replied with great curiosity. “What’s wrong with the list?” “This one says ‘Start with the End in Mind.’ I don’t know what the end is so how can I start with the end in mind?” Good point. How can you start with the end in mind if you don’t know what it is? … If you’re not sure what your goals are, create a vision board and see what comes up for you.

Goal Setting, Life

If You Feel Stuck, What Can You Change?

There are times in our lives when we become stuck. It’s up to us – not anyone else – to unstick ourselves. Granted, we may need some guidance from a good friend, a therapist or a life coach to do it, but the end result is up to us. We are the ones who have to take action.