Happy Thoughts

Keeping the Self-Talk Positive

I was sitting in my hairstylist Robin’s chair on Saturday when her daughter Madison, a spunky blonde fifth-grader, bounced into the salon. Having known her since she was born, Madison is probably one of the happiest kids I know and definitely the most extroverted. She quickly made her rounds with all of us in the salon to show us a…

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Time Management

Are You a Self-Help Dropout?

Feel like a self-help dropout? You’re not alone. Comedian and writer Chris Hardwick penned a hysterical article about his attempts to improve his productivity. In the article, Hardwick takes three books – Getting Things Done by David Allen; Never Check E-Mail in the Morning by Julie Morgenstern; and The Four-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss – and time with each…

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Chronic Disorganization

The Danger of Chronic Disorganization

This weekend, a Houston couple died in a house fire. The firefighters had difficulty maneuvering through the house because of boxes stacked knee-deep throughout the home. According to the Houston Chronicle, the boxes were filled with family mementos and had been around the home for years. Apparently this is not an unusual story. Another professional organizer told me firefighters have…

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Goal Setting

Make 2009 Your Year!

Happy New Year! It’s the time of the year that we start anew with a clean slate. Making resolutions is easy, but keeping them is the hard part. My gym is usually packed in January but back to normal by Valentine’s Day. So how do you make the changes you want to make in your life? Make SMART goals. Sensible.…

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An Organizer Carol

I had great fun the other day coming up with the organizer’s version of popular Christmas carols. Let’s have a little fun this holiday! Here are my versions: What Pile Is This? Oh Holy Mess (The piles are gently swaying) It Came Upon a Desktop Clear Organizers Are Coming to Town Oh, Come All Ye Organized Over the Clutter and…

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Saving Money

Saving Money on Gifts

The news today said we were in a recession and had been for a year. It’s no surprise to the rest of us who’ve been living in the trenches. With the holidays upon us, people are stressing about spending money during the holidays. Here are a few tips to save a few bucks: Draw names instead of buying a gift…

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