Organizing Product Reviews

Organizing Product Review: Etsy

I usually reserve my product review for actual products, but this time, I’m talking about an entire website – Etsy. I discovered Etsy a couple of years ago through several friends, and it’s a great place to fine unique jewelry, artwork, clothings and vintage finds.

Goal Setting

Post Rapture Goal-Setting

So you thought the world was ending and crossed the rest of 2011 off your calendar. After you finish knocking your head against the wall for believing a whackadoodle, it’s time to regroup and set new goals for yourself.


Good-bye, Uncle Cletus

The world feels emptier today since one of my heroes and role models passed away this week. My Uncle Cletus lost his fight with lung cancer, but he won the war over the other adversity he faced in his life.

Organizing Tips

43 Organizing Tips

I turn 43 this month. Yeah, I know. I have to lie down in a dark room too when I think too much about it. In honor of my birthday month, I am passing along my Top 43 Organizing Tips. My blog editor, Darcy, will probably make me split this into a couple of posts since I am so freaking old now that having 43 tips will make my blog post way too long.