Organizing Tips, Perfectionism, Work/Life Productivity

Clean Desk Policies

At work, a manager in another department recently sent me an email to ask how she could make sure her staff complied with a new clean desk and office policy she was writing. Oh, this doesn’t sound good… Managers who have OCD, perfectionistic and hyper-organized tendencies will never be truly happy with the people underneath them unless they are exactly like the manager… When I work with clients whose managers view them as disorganized, I have a few tricks up my sleeve:


Perfectionism and the Case of the Over-Thinking Weedeater

The drought and my lack of watering have killed most of my lawn, and I cancelled my lawn service. I realized that I needed to stop paying someone to mow dead grass. A month later, I realized the remaining grass clumps were growing and needed to be mowed. Instead of calling a lawn service, I decided I would buy a weedeater and just “mow” my clumps. Easy!

Life, Perfectionism

Never Happy Enough, Never Good Enough

It’s never enough it seems. A guy running for president says he was born in the U.S., and it’s not enough. His birth certificate isn’t enough… I see this time and time again with my organizing clients. I tell them perfection is a myth, done is perfect, and it’s going to be okay.