Guest Posts, Organizing Products/Tools, Technology

Guest Post: I Love Technology!

On Valentine’s Day last year, my husband took me to a Big Box store. He led me to the laptop section, and said, “Pick out a netbook you like.” I love that man! You see, I’m a geek and a professional organizer, and I love a useful techie gadget, whether it’s something I can log in to or just touch. So, allow me to sing the praises of the techie things I love…

ADD/ADHD, Chronic Disorganization, Guest Posts, Organizing Products/Tools, Organizing Tips, Time Management

ADD and the “Slippery Slope of Time Management”

This Clutter Princess guest post was written by Professional Organizer Ellen R. Delap: In our way too busy world, we all struggle with time management. However for those with ADD and ADHD, time management is more than this. It is a dizzying array of disappointment, lack of tools and strategies. Time is an intangible, a slippery slope with little to break our descent. It is the expectation we are letting others and ourselves down each and every day.