Health and Fitness

Take A Day Off

The buzz about Matthew Broderick’s Honda ad channeling his character Ferris Bueller made me giddy. After all, I am a child of the 80s… As an adult, I see the movie as a good reminder of how we all need to take a day off now and again…

Organizing Tips

Making Time to Clear Clutter

It always sounds so easy. Grab a stack of magazines or a box still packed from your last move and just go through it. Uh-huh. Getting right on that. But ooh, look. Something shiny and way more fun. Stack of what? This happens to all of us. We have great intentions of accomplishing all sorts of things, but life gets in the way. Other stuff is always more fun than clearing clutter, unpacking boxes and folding laundry, but we know there are some things we have to do. Here are some ways to make time to clear clutter…

Chronic Disorganization, Life

A Meaningful Life

With the start of the New Year, many things have been written about meaning, purpose, passion and goals. So let me ask. Are you happy? Are you living a meaningful life? And what is a meaningful life to you? … When someone is asking for help from a professional organizer, it’s because they want to change some aspect of their life. Granted, not all of the organizing clients I meet are asking for life-altering change. They just want less stress, less headaches and less stuff.


Depression and Silver Ribbons

It was a week or two after my birthfather Mike passed away that I met my friend Ellen Delap for lunch. She asked how I was doing, and I told her that I made an appointment with a therapist to deal with the depression I had sunk into during the past year. “Oh, good,” she said. “So we don’t have to have that discussion today.”