Goal Setting

Post Rapture Goal-Setting

So you thought the world was ending and crossed the rest of 2011 off your calendar. After you finish knocking your head against the wall for believing a whackadoodle, it’s time to regroup and set new goals for yourself.

Goal Setting, Organizing Tips, Work/Life Productivity

Organizing for Singles

I’m a single chick myself, and I know firsthand how hard it is to keep up with everything you need to take care of. So let’s talk about Organizing for the Single Person. The first major issue with singles is that we don’t have anyone to delegate to unless we pay them. If friends help you, you still have to pay them in food, beer or both.

Goal Setting, Work/Life Productivity

Be Productive: Take Care of Your Spirit (Find Your Passion at Work)

This is the fifth in a five-part series on productivity and health I work in a place where people are filled with passion for their mission of beating cancer, and, as an in-house professional organizer here, I have a job that fulfills my passion of organizing work and writing. In his book “The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working,” author Tony…

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