Organizing Businesses, Organizing Tips

Multitasking is a Bitch

We poor humans keep trying to do it, but we can never do it very well.

Our job descriptions will say we need to multitask, and in job interviews, we all sit in the chair across from a prospective boss, claiming we are the kings and queens of multitasking. “Oh, yes,” we find ourselves saying, “I can multitask like there’s no tomorrow. Watch me read ‘War and Peace’ while creating a killer PowerPoint and ordering lunch for the department.”

Organizing Tips, Technology

How Keeping a Clear Inbox Makes Your Life More Relaxed

Whether you’re a geek or a technophobe the chances are emails become a really big part of your life. Pretty much all of us have to deal with it at work, and there’s a pretty good chance of it playing a pretty pivital role in your social life. But what’s that got to do with a blog about clutter? Well, you may be doing a great job of keeping your home neat, tidy and under control, but can you say the same about your inbox?