Organizing Tips, Perfectionism, Work/Life Productivity

Clean Desk Policies

At work, a manager in another department recently sent me an email to ask how she could make sure her staff complied with a new clean desk and office policy she was writing. Oh, this doesn’t sound good… Managers who have OCD, perfectionistic and hyper-organized tendencies will never be truly happy with the people underneath them unless they are exactly like the manager… When I work with clients whose managers view them as disorganized, I have a few tricks up my sleeve:

Work/Life Productivity

Is Multi-Tasking an Addiction?

In a word: Yes. I pondered this question after reading a blog post on one of my favorite sites called Little Buddha. The writer was discussing ways to slow down and do things one at a time, and she wrote how hard it was for her to stop multi-tasking that she wondered if she was addicted to it. I think she is on to something. I’ve seen Multi-Tasking Addiction in my clients, my nieces and nephews, my friends, total strangers and myself. So how can you break the Multi-Tasking Addiction?