Organizing Tips

Hello, Spring!

Spring is in the air. Just ask anyone with allergies! Spring inspires us to do what else? Spring cleaning. It’s natural to shed off winter’s heaviness and cold and embrace spring’s fresh start and warmer temperatures.

Here are a few tips to spring clean:

  • Clean your winter coat and wash your hats, scarves and gloves. Store them away. Do the same for your winter clothes.
  • Clean the top of your ceiling fan blades.
  • Change out the air-conditioning filter if you haven’t done so in a while.
  • If your curtains are washable, wash them. If they’re not, run them through the dryer on a low setting to freshen them up. You can do the same thing with your comforter. By putting comforters, pillows, and curtains through the dryer, you reduce allergens.
  • Wash your bath mats. Fabric shower curtains can be washed as well. Spray and wipe down plastic shower curtains with an antibacterial cleaner.
  • Go through the pantry, freezer, and refrigerator and check expiration dates. Donate unwanted items and toss expired ones. Go through your spices too.
  • Clean the silverware tray in your kitchen drawer.
  • Clean the oven after all that holiday cooking.
  • Wipe down the computer keyboard, monitor and mouse. Don’t forget the telephones.
  • In Houston, we have to spend some time pulling up all the dead plants from the Big Freeze and replanting replacements.
  • Of course, declutter your space. Recycle those magazines, catalogs, newspaper, and junk mail. Weed out stained, torn and worn clothing. Donate clothes you no longer want or can wear. As you clean areas of your home, declutter as you go. Need motivation? Just watch an episode of “Hoarders” on A&E or TLC’s “Buried Alive.” That should get you going.

Happy Spring, everyone!